Colour Tiles

Web Link: Color Tiles

Flexibility: A blank canvas in which four colour tiles can be dragged, arranged, and snapped together. There is also a pen to write on the canvas. This app can easily be used by younger students.

User Interfaces: Mouse and touchpad friendly. Touch-friendly, but does not resize for smaller screens.

Browsers: Works with all major browsers.

Web Link: Color Tiles v2 – GeoGebra

Flexibility: This GeoGebra applet was created to insert and play around with colour tiles. It provides four colours and a way to draw on the canvas. Tiles snap to a grid in however they are laid. Sometimes tiles will attach to each other, the only way to fix this is to delete the tiles. The applet is not very friendly to use and is best for the teacher to use as opposed to younger students.

User Interfaces: Mouse and touchpad friendly. Touch capability depends on a new device and using a chromium browser.

Browsers: Works with all major browsers.

Web Link: Graph Square | Teaching Tools | Toy Theater Educational Games

Flexibility: This 10x14 grid allows the user to put down 10 different colours in various patterns and shapes

User Interfaces: Mouse and touchpad friendly. Touch-friendly.

Browsers: Works with all major browsers.